Thursday, May 15, 2008

Tennis Anyone?

For the past couple of weeks, I've been taking a tennis class through Reston Association on M & W nights. Going into the class, I knew I was a beginner, I mean I can hit the ball but my form and all that was totally wrong. So my beginners class has been perfect and on top of it, we had the cutest instructor (girls, you would have loved him. Belgian. Cute). But last night I got a makeup class, a private lesson with another instructor and it was great. We got to spend some quality time on forehand and backhand, and I think I know understand my timing and open/closed face and how much difference it makes. I'm ready to pound some balls!

BTW- you can only imagine the funny lines that were said in that class to the cute instructor. "Hey, do you have balls over there?" Answer: "Yep, I've got 4 balls!"


Anonymous said...

I'll pound some balls wif chu when you get to the intermediate level. Go kerrrah.


JRay said...

I'm game!