Back from Denver, here's the email recap I sent a couple of days ago:
We've been out here for work since Wednesday but finished board meetings on Saturday and since then my coworkers and I have been exploring the area to decide whether we want to make the move out here. Lots to consider but it's a beautiful area!
GOOD NEWS, The Association finalized the purchase of our new headquarters in Castle Rock, CO (which will be annexed to become a part of the town of Larkspur). We had a hayride tour of the property with the board and the Larkspur mayor on Friday afternoon. Keep in mind that the headquarters will be located on 5 acres the Assoc. has purchased from a 200+ acre parcel our partner currently owns. It's beautiful property surrounded by mountains and about 10 mins from the town of Castlerock, it's VERY remote. Ie: bears, elk, all kinds of wildlife on the property.
We also got to meet our neighbors who have a 5,000 ft airstrip on their property for their personal plane. We got a tour of their 10,000sq ft home (only had 2 bedrooms) and their SHED (which as we determined is at least worth 6 million). This couple owns 3 Ferraris, 3 Lamboriginis, 2 airplanes, and a variety of other antique and military SUV type vehicles (at least 20 vehicles in that SHED). Oh and their 17 yr old daughter drives a convertible PORSCHE. CRAZY.
Anywho, so we've been busy touring the area and looking at tons of apartments the past couple days. I think we visited 10 different units yesterday...uggh. Found some really cool places, but I may not get everything I want. Since where I'd be working is out in the wilderness, I'd kinda like to live in a more urban area. Downtown Denver would be great and we toured the Riverfront Park Area a couple days ago and I loved it. It's a big park located along the river and has tons of running.biking trails for miles but you're within walking distance to shops, restaurants, a grocery store and largest REI I've ever seen. Totally reminds me of my summer up in Hoboken, NJ and the riverfront park area there. Problem is that it's a bit far from Castle Rock and the prices for housing aren't much cheaper than DC. So we will probably have to live somewhere in between CR and Denver and that's mostly suburban sprawl. Oh well...
I did get the chance to attend liturgy at one of the Orthodox churhes in Denver on Sunday, St. Catharines and it was really nice. There are several out here actually. Later that afternoon we met with some realtors who talked about the area and made suggestions on where we should live. This afternoon we had lunch with some friends of my coworker, his old boss from DC and his children. They all moved out here and LOVE it, everyone raves about CO living.
Ohh this is funny,so on Monday night the Foundation had a catered dinner at the Lodge (our new HQ). Me, Grant and Daniel showed up a bit late due to traffic and apparently missed the joke. My boss tricked me into eating what I thought was either fried zucchini or fried chicken tenders...turns out they were ROCKY MOUNTAIN OYSTERS! If you dont know what they are, look 'em up. I about puked and the entire foundation was dying...totally a scene from Funny Farm. YUCK, they tasted ok but knowing what they were...uggh no thank you.
Weather out in Denver is awesome, 60 degrees and SUNNY, although we had some snow in the mornings. The Rockies are so clear and majestic...the tips are all snow covered and GORGEOUS.