1) It's a rare occassion for me to CRAVE ice-cream the way I craved it Friday night. But with a craving like that I knew that we had to go to Milwauke's Frozen Custard. So did 5 million others. I was on an ice-cream mission. So after leaving with a huge waffle cone and chocolate frozen custard we were on our way back home. The exit from MFC is a little awkward, they dont allow you to turn left so you have to turn right and make a u-turn somewhere up ahead. Unfortunately for me, I decided to make a u-turn at a no u-turn intersection, I realized it while doing it. 2 seconds later, I was being pulled over. Luckily he was the nicest cop I've ever been dealt and after I explained my craving for ice cream and my silly mistake of making an illegal U, he gave me a warning. WHEW.
2) Sat night was my friend Lillia's 30th surprise bday out in Haymarket. It was a blast, her husband Bill, planned the whole thing and it was a great surprise for her. It was seriously like their 2nd wedding reception, a steak and crabcake seated dinner. Anyhow, I had a blast drinking with my old USA Today pal, Scott and his girlfriend and Lillia's friend Tony, who I last saw at a nightclub in Beirut, Lebanon. Yes, I drank a bit too much wine, but didnt realize it until the car ride home. Chris was driving and I apparently fell asleep. Or at least until 1/4 mile from home when I woke up and told Chris to stop the car. He did, it was right on Reston Parkway across from the Hyatt, in a turning lane. I jumped out and the puking began. Not a good one either, all over my new Elie Tahari dress. We drew attention. The police pulled up behind us. It was a female officer and she asked Chris what was going on, if I had just had too much too drink? YES. She checked his license and registration and luckily told us to get home safe. WE WERE LUCKY, Chris had definitely had a few himself. WHEW.
I spent half the day on Sunday moping around. I cant recover like I used to!!!