Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Tuesday nights in the city!

It might snow again today and into the evening, I am excited. Perhaps my stinking GMAT review class in DC will be cancelled/postponed. I like the class, dont get me wrong, but jamming algebra, trig, and geometry into 3 hour cram sessions is not fun immediately following work. I should shut up though bc it's only 1x a week and the teacher is actually a pretty cool guy. There's only 3 of us in the class, which is good since I am a SLOW learner and can ask retarded questions. The instructor cracks me up, he's originally from CA and recently moved out here to DC. We'll be in the middle of a problem and he'll be like "Now look, this is the way your f***ing teachers taught you to do this in high school, F*** that! There's an easier way and all you gotta do is this s***!" No one else seems to think his mannerisms are funny but I sure do. And I'm pretty sure that the Brazilian chick who barely spoke english probably didnt understand his use of such vulgarity. She was having a tough enough time trying to understand the Brazilian equivalent of PEMDAS (order of operations). She's no longer in the class. We traded her for a metrosexual Nigerian guy, named Nee, who's pretty darn cool. Wow, writing about this class really makes it seem like I'm in some sort of circus act...it actually isnt all that bad.

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