Monday, March 24, 2008

Brown children and brown people (loose connection)

Someone I know is going to have little brown children one day...YES! Congrats to Christine & Rommie :)

On a different note, I just got back from a great orientation meeting for volunteering with the Arlington refugee relocation assistance program. Ever since I've been back from Africa, I've been reading and watching and learning a lot about the Lost Boys of Sudan and it's lead me to a further interest in refugees. I came across a posting on craigslist and figured I'd check it out. They need volunteers to help refugees get accustomed to the culture, environment and daily life here in the US, as well as plain companionship and teaching English. Most are from Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, and all over Africa. Sooo...heopfully, within the next couple of weeks I'll get an opportunity to work with some of them. I'm excited for the opportunity.


Bordenia! said...

umm- they will be HALF brown ;) just like kera bagera and dennarrrr!

Sara said...

Yeah, my kids will literally be BROWN--get it straight Kerarrrrrrrr. :-)