Wednesday, March 19, 2008


Today was my 2nd day of Physical Therapy. Seriously, it's just a room with a bunch of tards like myself doing stupid exercises that you could do on your own. I do have fun talking to everyone though, I've made friends with all the PT's. Of course, they assigned me to the BROWN PT-- I get Fahad the Yemenese :) The PLUS of therapy is getting stretched out, I never knew I could feel such a burn. But then again, I am the most inflexible person ever. Seriously in yoga class, there are like 300 pound men that can reach their toes further than I can.

Anywho, off to hot yoga again tonight. I took Grant on Monday night and he about killed me. Poor guy, I felt terrible. The room was overpacked (made me feel totally claustrophobic) and HOTTER than 105degrees. Sweat was flying off everyone, just sick. Afterwards Grant said, "At first I was worried about farting, then about vomitting on someone, and then finally about not closing my eyes...I didnt want to pass out."

He also told me "Dude I don't know about losing weight but I sure as heck lost my dignity in that dang class." He's a riot!

I'm going again tonight with Christina though and praying that it's not as packed.

1 comment:

Sara said...

Kerarrr, where do you go to hot yoga? I have a friend who does it too and I think it's in Herndon?